After rain comes sun

Weekly Weather

Threatening skies by Broddaparken in Malmö on Friday evening. Threatening skies by Broddaparken in Malmö on Friday evening.

After rain comes sun, or at least there has been mostly sun and not rain. It is the first week of August and autumn is slowly approaching. Children start school in the middle of august and they are starting to feel that summer is almost over though it can be quite good weather until the end of September where I usually live in Malmö. But I will be spending my autumn in Borås so I will have to see when autumn and winter arrives here.

The first picture is taken Friday night in Malmö on my way from the bus and the others are taken in Borås in Sweden from monday to wednesday.

More pictures on Our World Tuesday and on Skywatch.

Walking from the railway station on sunday evening by Sagavallen in Borås. Walking from the railway station on sunday evening by Sagavallen in Borås.

Monday morning, with a light haze in the morning on a day that turned out sunny. Monday morning, with a light haze in…

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